Behavior Policy


I agree to the condition and policies of TAAS Summer School as stated.

As a family school, TAAS expects students to respect themselves and others at school, as well as the facilities and natural surroundings. All students of the TAAS, including teachers and staff, are expected to behave responsibly and appropriately at all times.

We ask Students to agree to the following:

  • To listen and follow all instructions given to them by teachers and TAs.
  • To be respectful of those around them.
  • To be responsible for their belongings and their actions.
  • To care for the School environment and the equipment they use.
  • To be honest and ask questions when they do not understand.
  • To understand that disrespectful behavior is not tolerated at TAAS.
  • Fighting or stealing may lead to immediate dismissal from summer school.

If students are having a hard time, the following steps will be taken:

  • Placed on a Behavior Form.
  • Conversation with a Director
  • Conversation with a Director and Parents
  • Dismissal from TAAS Summer School.

The Director, may dismiss a student for the remainder of his/her session or the rest of the summer for a serious infraction or if inappropriate behavior does not improve. No fees will be refunded. The fees will automatically be considered a contribution to our Summer School Fund.



  • 聽從教師和助教所給的指令。
  • 尊重身邊的人。
  • 對自己的物品和行為負責。
  • 愛護學校的環境和所使用的設備。
  • 不了解情況時,說實話並發問。
  • 了解校規: TAAS不容許無禮貌的行為。
  • 若有打架或偷竊的行為,可能會立即從夏令營退學。


  1. 填寫行為規範紀錄
  2. 與夏令營主任會談
  3. 與夏令營主任及其家長會談
  4. 從TAAS夏令營中退學


Refund Policy

Taipei Adventist American School

Summer School Refund Policy


Tuition, lunch, and bus fees are preferred payable in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD$).



After you pay the tuition and bus fee, we will start to arrange a bus for your child and notify you of the bus schedule a week before the summer school starts.



If a student withdraws before the first day of summer school, he or she shall receive 90% refund of payment.



If a student withdraws within the 1st week, he or she shall receive 70% refund of payment.



If a student withdraws after the 1st week, he or she shall receive no refund of payment.



Thank you for applying for summer camp at TAAS. We believe this is the best educational environment for your child to learn not only knowledge, but also the most wonderful thing – LOVE.



If you request a refund, please write a letter or email us and provide your banking information. If you have any further question, please contact the office at 02-2861-6400.

Thank you!

若您有退費需求,請以書面提出申請並提供您的銀行帳戶資訊。如有任何疑問,請洽詢TAAS辦公室 02-2861-6400


Refund Policy Valid date: March 1 – July 31, 2020